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MAN Roland R705+LV Hi Print

Max Sheetsize 740mm x 1040mm
Colours 5 Colours
Year 2007
Impressions 75 million

Max stock thickness: 1mm
APL - Automatic Plate Loading
Auto Format Setting
RCI - Remote Control Inking
PECOM - Press Management System
ColorPilot - Densitometry And Colorimetry
MAN Roland Deltamatic Dampening
Ink Temperature Control
Technotrans Beta.c Combi Unit
Water Cooled
Auto Ink Roller Wash
Auto Blanket Wash
Auto Impression Cylinder Wash
Carton Guides
Double-Sized Impression Cylinders
Sheet De-Curler
Dedicated Coating Unit With Chambered Doctor Blade
Extended Delivery
IR dryer (Roland Seccomatic)
AirGlide Delivery
Grafix Dry Spray



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